1985 Dominion Way

Colorado Springs  CO  80918

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Shari 2020

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Robert 2022

You've come to the right place...

For  35 years, Dr. Robert Motazedi has been exploring ways to keep his patients healthy and active.  In the later part of the 1980s,

he worked side by side with Edward Rhodes, MD, a Board Certified Urologist exploring ways to treat male infertility and impotence through the use of hormones and other scientific methods.  The physicians and scientists that were involved in this type of research were taking the very first baby steps into the field now known as Anti-Aging Medicine.

In the 1990s, Dr. Motazedi attended one of the very first conferences held by the newly created American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. The conference was held in Las Vegas, Nevada.  A small number of physicians, chiropractors, and other medical professionals gathered to discuss what was being done and what could be done to not only extend the human life span but how to improve a person's quality of life.  These were some of the first physicians who began to focus on the real cause of disease processes associated with aging.  They wanted to find ways to actually fix the problems and not just cover up the symptoms with prescriptive medications. Many of the topics presented during that meeting covered the introduction of hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and human growth hormone and addressed how these substances could be used to reverse or delay disease processes associated with the aging body. Vitamins, herbs, and supplements and their roles in extending the life span as well as treating disorders were also presented. This seminar and the information shared by its members sparked Dr. Motazedi's interest to continue his own personal pursuit to live a healthier and longer life.

Since 1985, Dr. Motazedi has used bio-identical hormones and supplements to help treat patients with low libido, impotence, menopausal symptoms, anxiety, depression, pain, etc.  Dr. Motazedi is Board Certified through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He has treated thousands of patients in his Colorado Springs clinic with hormone imbalances and other deficiencies. Many of these patients have reversed and overcome age-related problems like osteoporosis, muscle loss, joint pain, diabetes, heart disease, memory loss, anxiety, depression, etc.  Dr. Motazedi strongly believes in using scientific testing including comprehensive blood analysis and the patient's experiences to determine the proper amounts of hormones and supplement dosages.  He continually follows patients throughout the process and adjusts the protocols as needed.  There are no two human beings that are alike and everyone must be evaluated and treated on an individual basis.

Anti-Aging encompasses the body as a whole, the outside as well as the inside.  Living in Colorado Springs at an altitude over a mile high presents a myriad of dermatological issues directly related to sun exposure.  Colorado is known for its sunshine boasting 300 out of 365 days of sunny skies, more sun than San Diego or Miami Beach.  Combine this with the altitude and Coloradan's love of the outdoors, you now have a dangerous recipe that not only speeds up the aging of our skin but the prevalence of skin cancers like melanoma.  In 1993, Dr. Motazedi purchased a CO2 skin resurfacing laser and started the Colorado Laser Clinic.  His goal was to use lasers to help combat this sun damage by reversing it and rejuvenating the skin.  In 1998, Dr. Motazedi was the first physician in the state to become Board Certified in Cosmetic and Dermatological Lasers.  Dr. Motazedi and his staff have completed more than 300,000 dermatologic laser procedures.   For more information on cosmetic laser treatment, please visit www.ColoradoLaserClinic.com.

If you are frustrated with your current course of medical care or just want to live a longer and more productive life, then please contact our office at (719) 596-4000.  


Please visit our new website, wwwTheHealthyMonkey.com for the latest in how to live a healthy life in a toxic world. This website will keep you up to date on the latest scientific evidence in subject areas like how to create a healthy gut, reduce your cancer and disease risk, reduce the risk of dementia, and many more. 

Vibrant Mind

Strong Body

 Passionate Life

Robert T. Motazedi MD

35 Years experience in
