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Testosterone and Exercise

What's wrong with me? I have no libido.

There are many reasons why a man's libido or sex drive may be lacking.  Low testosterone may well be the culprit, but there are other things that must be considered too.  Sleep deprivation, stress, depression, and chronic medical illnesses can also sap a man's desire for sex.   Low testosterone levels should be considered and a simple blood test can determine if this important hormone is not up to beneficial levels. 

Why do testosterone levels drop as men age?

Men will have their highest level of testosterone in their late teens and early twenties. As they age,  it is normal for testosterone levels to decrease.  By the time a man reaches his 50s, he is lucky to have 25% of the amount of testosterone he had as a teenager.  Just because a man has a low testosterone level doesn't mean he will not desire intimacy.  Some men, even with low levels will still have sexual desire.  For others, their sex drive may be low even with relatively normal levels.  If testosterone levels fall enough, virtually all men will experience a decrease in their desire for sex.  

I am having a problem getting and maintaining an erection. What is going on?

Having a low testosterone level does not mean that you will necessarily have erectile dysfunction or ED. ED problems are usually caused by a condition known as atherosclerosis -- hardening of the arteries. With atherosclerosis the blood vessels within the penis can no longer dilate to cause a firm erection. This condition has three main causes - diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Low testosterone can also accompany these diseases, so your testosterone level needs to be evaluated by a qualified anti-aging specialist.

Low testosterone plays apart in a lot of diseases that effect low libido, and erectile dysfunction. Low testosterone is linked to many conditions that lead to erectile dysfunction including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, and endothelial dysfunction. New research has shown that low testosterone can be a precursor to developing diabetes.

My physician says my testosterone level is normal. What is going on?

When your blood level of free and total testosterone is evaluated, you may be told ny your doctor that your levels are normal. But, what does that really mean? When you have bloodwork done to determine your hormone levels, they will be evauated by the lab to reflect the normal level for a man your age. A man in his 50's will sometimes have a level that is 75% lower than a young man in his twenties. It is normal for testosterone levels to drop as you age, but this drop can have disasterous effects on your body and your sense of well being. It is our goal to reset your testosterone back to a youthful level.

Men that have had their testosterone returned to the levels they had in their twenties have reported an increase in desire for sex, increased sexual satisfaction, firmer erections, and a more satisfying relationship with their spouse or significant other. Testosterone is extremely important to a man's sense of self and his overall feeling of well being.

Low Testosterone and Sex Drive

Testosterone and Pain

There are multiple studies that demonstrate that lower testosterone levels can cause pain to be intensified in both
the muscles and the joints.  In fact, both men and women need a certain amount of testosterone in their systems in order to feel well. Testosterone can have a profound effect on our muscles and joints. During puberty, testosterone levels rise in young men and it instructs these cells to build up and to strengthen our tissues. This results in more muscle mass increased energy and vitality. 
Without these higher levels, the cells lose the stimulus to continue keeping these tissues strong and viable. Sarcopenia or the loss of muscle mass and strength can have many adverse effects. Without testosterone, both men and women will experience weakened muscles, bone loss, and over time can become frail. Frailty increases the chances of falling which may result in trauma to the head and severe fractures of bones. These injuries can lead to disability and even death.

Pain occurs from the loss of direction from hormones that are lacking in later life. Loss of strength puts undue stress on the joints because the muscles are not functioning normally. Weakened muscles don’t hold our joints in proper alignment and the joints become stressed causing degeneration of the joint surfaces which results in osteoarthritis and pain. Also, the joints themselves degrade from the loss of hormones which sets them up for degradation. ​Replacing testosterone in men can slow and sometimes even stop this process from continuing. In many cases, if caught early you can reverse damage to the joints by repairing and strengthening the tissues around it.

I am always in pain, and I hate relying on pain medication. Will hormone replacement help?

Chronic pain issues can also be improved in many instances with hormone replacement. Through several mechanisms of action, hormone replacement therapy can help patients with different types of pain get better. It can slow down, stop and even reverse many of these degeneration changes that are routinely accepted as normal.

I have had several patients come into my office complaining of these types of problems. After a couple of rounds of hormone replacement, most of my male clients have reported a decrease in pain and an increase in energy resulting in more intense workouts and less recovery time.  Testosterone helps build muscle, bone, and tendons. This renewal can reduce or completely eliminate their dependence on pain medications. 


Replacement of testosterone is famous for restoring energy, building muscle, increasing strength and endurance. Feelings of well-being improve as men are able to once again perform physical activities.  It is also known that being able to work out or do physical activities can restore patients’ feelings of self-confidence and the ability to again look forward to living their lives. 

​With the information now available through many anti-aging studies, “normal aging” will soon become a thing of the past. With the technology we now have, it is possible for anyone to live a longer and healthier life. A healthy body and brain throughout life is now not only possible but is more probable as physicians become trained in these regenerative techniques.


“You become stronger and more confident by showing the courage to change the things you have control over.”
― Germany Kent

“It's not the men in your life that matters, it's the life in your men.” 
― Mae West